What this means for developers
For the developer, particularly small developers, the alliance will create an environment in which they can flourish and create applications in a straight-forward and effective manner. Today, the route to market for developers is challenging requiring them to approach multiple operators. The alliance will provide a single gateway for developers to access a vast potential customer base (over two billion with limited cost to the developer and this in turn will provide the maximum possible return on investment for them.
In addition, the alliance will utilise existing technical standards, rather than creating new ones to allow developers to access operators’ assets, for example network capabilities or API’s (Application Programming Interfaces) more easily. In practice this means that developers will only have to create one version of their application and this can be used on multiple types of devices and operating systems (such as Symbian, Android, Windows etc) which is not the case today.
일정한 소요비용으로 20억명의 고객에게 판매가능하게 한다는것은 긍정적이며, 실현가능하다고 생각한다.
그런데, 한번개발해서 심비안, 안드로이드, 윈도우즈에서 모두 사용가능하게 하겠다는것의 의미는 무엇인가. 기술적으로 가능한것인가?
아래 기술들을 사용한다면 기술적으로 가능해 보인다.
- Java
- Flash
- Adobe AIR
- phone gap (http://phonegap.com/)
이런기술을 사용하여 표준을 만들고, SDK등을 개발하는데 시간이 걸릴것이다.
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